Curse of The Modern Family
My sister in law just gave birth to a beautiful little girl a few days ago! In preparation for the blessed event, my wife has been spending every weekend in Michigan (she lives in Iowa) to help out with my three nieces before mommy has the baby.
I've been in New Mexico for a month now, and I've found out that I have a challenge...knowing what time it is where my family is.
My kids are in Iowa, and have been staying there. Easy to figure...their Central Time Zone is one hour ahead of my Mountain Time Zone.
With my wife however, she keeps traveling between Central Time Zone and Eastern Time Zone. Based on her teaching schedule, I can usually tell where she is going to be, but not always.
I mistakenly thought she was going back to Iowa now that our beautiful niece has arrived...
She's staying in Michigan until she has to go to her college alumi weekend this weekend...still Eastern Time Zone...different state.
What time is it here? What time is it there?
Can we talk on the phone, text...Facetime?
First world problem to be sure, but also indicative of a mobile family in the 21st century!