Stephen Orsborn Stephen Orsborn

March for Our Lives

Where they believe in the absolutism of an amendment, we believe in the absolutism of human life.
— Matt Post

My wife recorded MSNBC's coverage of the March for Our Lives. Though our little one is sleeping (since it's just after midnight as I write this) our live-in family is watching the coverage together.

There have been so many impressive young people speaking during this event. Inspirational, impassioned, stirring, focused, connected, and intense.

The speakers on this stage are sharing their personal stories. They are vowing to bring change through their voices, and their votes. A young man named Cameron Kasky had a message for politicians: "Stand for us, or beware...the voters are coming."

The nine-year-old granddaughter of Martin Luther King, Jr spoke, and she spoke with the passion and the charisma of her grandfather.

This generation is motivated in a way no generation since the baby boomers has been.

If the energy of today's march in Washington D.C. is any indication, this generation will affect more change than the baby boomers ever dreamt of.

These young people are pointing out our failures, and they are not going quietly into the night.

They are organized.

They are mobilized.

They are calling BS.

They are bringing change.




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