The Love/Hate Relationship with my Journal

Now, before I get into the flow of this post, let me clarify something…

I have been a journal-er since I could write legibly.

Come to think of it, I’ve been journaling since before I could write legibly.

The post title refers to a specific journal I’m currently using.

To be fair, I actually really love the journal I’m using, at least, most of the time.

The journal in question in made by Scriveiner. It’s a beautiful, handmade leather journal, 120 gsm paper, ethically sourced materials… it checks so many boxes for me…except one.

I’ve been using this journal for almost two years now, and have been quite happy with it.

You see, the challenge for me came a few months ago when I was packing for a trip with my live-in family. In this particular bag I was packing my technology and stationary (no surprise for this blog). I had to do some work on this trip, so I needed both my MacBook Air and my iPad. Of course, I needed my bullet journal, and letter writing gear. When it came time to pack my beautiful journal, there was simply no room.

And I tried.

I unceremoniously stuffed, and shoved that journal into the too small space available, or rather I attempted to; it was not to be.

As someone with a neurodiverse brain, the act of handwriting journal entries is a calming, reflective practice that I deeply enjoy.

If you read my post “How I Journal” you know that I use both a paper journal as well as a digital journal, and back them up with each other. I like to have the option to do whichever one suits the situation best for the initial capture of ideas…and that wasn’t going to happen on this trip.

I began thinking, “Ugh! If only my journal was A5! I could have squeezed it in to that space!”

I was resigned to the frustration I felt between wanting to use this beautiful journal and packing efficiently. I’m a bit of a completionist at times…I like to see things through…black out the bingo card…fill up the journal.

Yet as the pandemic is settling down, I’m starting to travel more again. If I could only get my journal system to fit into a more mobile lifestyle…

This Scriveiner journal is perfect around the house. The handmade nature of it feels traditional, classic…old school in the nostalgic way that rings of simpler times and quality craftsmanship.

I struggled with this frustration for a while…until I found the permission I didn’t know I was looking for. A concept in journalling so revolutionary, I have never known it’s equal!

Yes, this sounds a bit dramatic, but it was a bit mind blowing for me.

I found a video on YouTube by someone named Clark Kegley. The video, “the ultimate guide to keeping a journal (2022)” had some thought provoking offerings.

For the purposes of this post, I will simply share the key idea that is changing the logistics of how I journal: he starts a new journal every year!

For someone who has journaled for as long as I have, this idea never occurred to me!

In a few short weeks, I can respectfully and with gratitude, retire my Scriveiner journal and start with something that I believe will fit better into my increasingly mobile lifestyle.

Details to follow.

Be gentle with yourself in your concepts of how things “should” be.

I’ve been overly committed to each physical journal I’ve used for as long as I can remember.

I have found a new sense of freedom, and a lessening feeling of preciousness for the journal itself, and it has been wonderful!

Joy and ease in your journaling my friends!


The Brakes We Take